Newbie faqs

From Alter Aeon Wiki
Revision as of 19:08, 17 March 2016 by Xera (talk | contribs)

This is a list of common questions often asked by new players. They are taken mostly from actual questions asked on the newbie channel, for clarity some the questions have been reworded.


I'm new here, how can I get help?

Alter aeon has a wide variety of ways for new players to get help playing the game. Start by carefully reading the instructions on screen, as you progress through the newbie areas and quests, tips will also be displayed from time to time. Other possibly sources of help:-

  • Newbie onscreen tips
  • This wiki
  • alter aeon's main website and historical articles
  • the in-game help system
  • asking on a channel such as newbie or gossip

It is recommended that all new players make liberal use of the help system, often the answer to a question exists in a help file and can be found by typing help and and the relevant keyword. A good tip to gain familiarity with the game is to type help random while regening.

How do I speak on a channel?

Type the name of the channel followed by a space and then what you wish to say. To see a list of available channels type channel list. Popular channels include gossip, chat, and newbie.


What is the best client to use?

For blind or partially sighted players mushz is the best client to use. For sighted players it is dclient. Both clients have been heavily customized and contain a number of advanced alter aeon specific features.

Someone is trolling or spamming me, what can I do?

The simplest way to deal with this is to type ignore <char name> this will stop the majority of cases and you may never need to hear from that character again.

I keep dying what can I do?

First make sure you are running an area with the correct level range for your character. Training con can help make your character become more hardy, as can wearing equipment with more armor and hp. Check the donation rooms for equipment and make sure you are wearing a full set and not missing any slots.

Which is the best class?

There is no single best class, they all have different strengths and weaknesses and it is mater of opinion and personal preference. As a new player, it's a good idea to try multiple classes to find which playing style suits you best.

How do I spend explorer points?

Unlike combat points (cps) explorer points (eps) are not spendable. They are mainly for bragging rights and to show how much of an area has been explored, a small amount of experience and gold is awarded for each point.

What are combat points for?

Combat points can be used to improve how well you know a particular skill or spell. Spending combat points will improve the skill or spell by 1%. It is recommended you first use practices to train skills/spells as high as possible before using combat points. Type help combat points for more info.

Which god should I choose?

All the gods are deliberately fairly similar in terms of the things they can provide characters. It really doesn't matter that much which god you choose however some gods are more active, they are dentin, morpheus, shadowfax, draak and gandor.

Areas and directions

How long do areas take to reset?

Repop times vary between areas, although they are usually set to between 30 to 60 minutes. Instances usually take about 30 minutes to reset. Some of the newbie areas may have faster repop times.

Where can I find Vemarken Hidden Gardens?

It is around the northwest corner of Vemarken just off from the hayfields. From the center of town go 4w, 2n, nw, n, w, n and enter the archway.

Skills and spells

Where can I learn this spell or skill?

Type spell find <spell> or skill find <skill> for a list of trainers. To find trainers in well known areas type where trainer

How do I see the skills and spells I can get for a particular level?

type skill list <level number> or spell list <level number>


Does quest list always show if there is a quest in the room?

Quests can be started in multiple ways, the two main ways are to type quest list at a questor mob or to talk to them. Explore and talk to mobs in an areas, you may be surprised what you find, and this can sometimes provide extra information and clues to quests. Typing quest near in an area will show all visible quests in an area.

How do I break the glass coffin in the False temple?

Find and get the mallet from the small forge and use it on the coffin, see The false Temple

Items and equipment

How do I wear this item on my other finger, wrist or neck slot?

To force an item to a particular slot add the location name at the end of the wear command e.g. wear <item> head. To use the second sot for that location add the number two e.g. wear <item> neck2. Note: to use this with the unwear command prefix the location with a minus sign e.g. unwear -finger2.

Why can't I remove this sword?

Some items have been cursed, which means that when worn they can't be removed, unless remove curse is cast on your character.


How do I use the moneymarket?

The moneymarket is an advanced feature, for converting gold to credits and vice versa. As a newbie it's unlikely you will have much need to use it or be able to earn enough gold to make buying credits worthwhile. If you still wish to use it type help moneymarket.

How do I delete my character?

There is no need to manually delete chars, simply create or start using another and it will automatically be removed after a suitably long period of inactivity. Characters that are part of an active account will never be deleted and idle accounts will only be deleted after a few years of inactivity.

How do I buy credits?

Visit the donate page on the main alter aeon website.