Primary stats

From Alter Aeon Wiki
Revision as of 15:07, 15 April 2018 by Xera (talk | contribs) (primary stats str, dex, wis, con, chr, int copied from other pages)


Intelligence, often abbreviated as INT, is a character stat that determines how smart the character is. It has a strong affect on Mana, and is a requirement for Mages, Druids, and Necromancers to learn and cast their spells.


Wisdom, often abbreviated as WIS, is a character stat that determines how wise the character is. It has an effect on Mana, and is a requirement for Druids, Clerics, Mages, and Necromancers to learn their spells.


Charisma, often abbreviated as CHR, is a character stat that determines how charming and graceful the character is. It affects the price of items from shops, as well as various thief skills and maximum shadow.


Strength, often abbreviated as STR, is a character stat that determines how powerful the character is. In influences damage in combat as well as the amount of weight that can be carried before being over-encumbered.

Many weapons and shields have a strength requirement attached to them; in order to use such an item you will need have the given amount of strength. If you ever fail to meet the requirement while using the item (e.g., your strength spell ran out), you will immediately stop using the item.


  • A high strength lets you carry more weight of items
  • Strength has a slight effect on your maximum Hitpoints and Movement


Dexterity short form dex, is a character stat that determines how agile something is. It is useful in attack and defense and is one of the primary stats of the thief class. It is used to calculate various things like how many items a character can carry in their inventory to how likely they are to avoid a backstab.


Constitution, often abbreviated as CON, is a character stat that determines how hardy the character is. It strongly influences Hitpoints and Movement.



  • Having a higher dexterity allow a character to carry more items in their inventory.
  • Can be increased by wearing equipment with the dexterity affect.

Primary stat class comparision

Certain stats can be more desirable depending on your character's class e.g. Warriors require plenty of strength to wield heavier weapons and to deal more damage.

class str int wis dex con chr
Warrior 1st 2nd 3rd
Mage 1st 2nd
Thief 2nd 1st 3rd
Cleric 1st 2nd
Necro 1st 2nd
Druid 2nd 1st