Show or brag can be used to display information about a character. The only difference is that brag sends the information to a channel while show displays the information privately on screen.
brag <optional channel> <options> example brag gt armor
You tell the group, 'I have an armor class of 98.'
If no channel is specified say channel is used.
show <options> example show armor
You have an armor class of 98.
Multiple options
Brag and show allows multiple options seperated by a space example brag armor combat
You say, 'I have an armor class of 98.' You say, 'I have 4 hitroll, 7 damroll, and my attack speed is slow.'
As with many of the commands in alter aeon show and brag can be shorted e.g. sh skl cor works just the same as show sklevel corpsecutter.
Options listed are mostly in long format and can be shortened.
- hp
- mana
- move
- regen
- stat
- str
- int
- wis
- dex
- con
- chr
- armor or ac
- absorbs
- dodge or parry
- save
- firesave
- coldsave
- zapsave
- breathsave
- spellres
- spellsave
- poisonsave
- normal
- damage
- combat or hitroll or damroll or attacks
- wield
- gmana
- glevel
- acorns
- teeth
- soulstones
- castlevel or clevel
- level
- mage
- cleric
- thief
- warrior
- necromancer
- druid
- slevel
- sklevel <spell/skill name> (shows knowledge level of skill or spell)
- brews
- cost <optional class>
- credits
- drunk
- encumbrance
- favor
- hangover
- luck
- playtime or time or hours
- pracs
- points
- randoms
- gold
- spell or affect <optional spell name>
- status (various statuses such as sleeping, sitting, poisoned, alignment etc)
- traits (serves no purpose as this feature was never implemented)
- weight
- inventory
- carried
Switches added in 2016
In 2016 Shadowfax added many more new brag and show switches including:- achievements, combat points, newbie points, explorer points, race, birthday, poisoned, thirst, hunger, sneak, recall, temperature, spent experience, lost experience, clan, nomelee, wimp, nogroupcast, time, day, month, year, score, rank, friends, nokillsteal, room, area, allies, foes, gridle, lowhp, lowmana, lowmove, gwhere, missing, sky and sun.
Charmed mobs or minions
It may be possible to get a minion to brag information about themselves using order brag <commands>. Not all mobs are capable of this for example a wood woad which is just a bunch of animated sticks has no intelligence and is unable to talk therefore can't be ordered to brag.
Use in groups
Brag is useful in group situations where members want to impart information quickly about their character. This can be done using brag gt <commands>