
From Alter Aeon Wiki
Revision as of 19:16, 17 April 2016 by Xera (talk | contribs) (sections)

The Auction is place where players can buy and sell items to each other for the nominal fee of 100 gold and 1% of the sale price.


  • auction <item> <minimum bid>
  • auction -auto
  • auction -silent

How to auction

Type auction <item> <amount>. It is important to get this exactly right as typing it incorrectly will cause a message to be sent to the auction channel. The item name must be one word and the amount is the number of gold to start the auction at.

Common goofs

Some common goofs when auctioning are:- Using the force flag to force a placing when it can only be used for bidding e.g. auction skull 1000 -f, not spelling the word auction in full e.g. auc skull 1000, using the word gold after the ammount e.g. auction skull 1000 gold and using more than one word for the item name e.g. auction black skull 1000

Mobs on auction

Two mobs sometimes bid on auction Little Washu for 1 gold and Brandon for 25 gold.

Buying to invest

Sometime players will buy something that they consider to be too cheap and sell at a later time to make a profit.

Chating on auction

Auction has it's own channel where players can talk and discuss item related topics as well as request items to buy and sell. The abbreviation wtb stands for would like to buy and the abbreviationwts stands for would like to sell.

Popular items


Tensors are a popular item on auction and players will often request them, they usually sell for a hundred or so gold.

Excluded items

Some items like soulstones and binding objects can't be auctioned.