Saving throw

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Saving throws protect against certain types of attacks, there are six types fire, cold, zap, spell, poison and breath. Certain attacks may be saved against using more than one type e.g. a dragon breathing ice may roll against breath and cold. Saves become more important as characters progress and fight tougher mobs. It maybe possible to get away with wearing only a small ammount of saves on the newbie islands, however once characters reach the mainland and the mid-level range it's advisable to have be able to quickly throw on at least 50% of each save. There are a few super powerful mobs on the game, where it becomes neccessary to wear closer to 90% saves.

Spell save

To protect against spells, useful against dispel, charm and summon.

Fire save

Protects against fire attacks e.g. fireball

Cold save

Protects against cold attacks e.g. cone of cold

Zap save

Protects against electrical attacks, e.g. chain lightning

Breath save

Protects against breath attacks, e.g. noxious cloud, dragon breath

Poison save

Protects against poison attacks useful against creatures that have poison based attacks.