From Alter Aeon Wiki
- width
- name (taken from pagename)
- type (skill or spell) (titlecase)
- image
- class
- level
- dtype
- prereqs
resource requirements
- mana
- move
- shadow
- teeth
- dteeth
- soulstone
stat requirements
- wis
- int
- chr
- group (spell or skill group)
- wiki_group (used to group skill or spell pages together)
- wiki_pages (skill/spell pages included in the wiki group)
- passive (yes/no)
- minion (yes/no)
- brew (yes/no) (potion/brew type skills)
- crafting (yes/no)
- gold (gold cost)
- melee (yes/no) (melee style attack)
- poison (yes/no)
- cooldown (yes/no or approx time in seconds if known)
- quest (name of quest which unlocks skill or spell)
- pracs (number of pracs)
- cps (cost in combat points for 1%)
- mobs (example mob that cast the spell or use the skill)
- helpfile
- summary/description
- syntax
- trainers
- strings
- tips
- notes
- <class> druid spells or skills
- <level>
- <type> spells or skills
- passive skills
- minion spells