Underground chess tournament
From Alter Aeon Wiki
This area is a secret underground chess tournament below Gad's
How to access
- obtain unmarked ticket from Fudnik the gnomish barkeep
- unlock trapdoor
- give ticket to stella in exchange for namebadge
note: entering the tournament hall requires a registration ticket which can be brought from stella.
- filthy rat
- Stella, pretty young receptionist
- chess enthusiast
Exhibit hall
- gray pawn
- gray bishop
- gray knight
- gray rook
- gray queen
- gray king
Tournment hall
- chess referee
- novice level opponent
- advanced level opponent
- master level opponent
Places of interest
Training hall
In each room is a lesson which teaches the basics of chess and how to enter the tournament. To view type look lesson at the end of the training hall is a message board.
Exhibit hall
Shows the various chess pieces and how they move.
Tournament hall
A series of chess puzzles of increasing difficulty to make a move type open <move>.
Giant chess board
Each room is a square on a giant chess board.
- Creator: islaine
- Editors: morpheus shift shadowfax draak void dentin
- String editors: inessa