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Various enchants and disenchants can be added to items by using the enchant commands. To find out which enchants are available and how much they cost type enchant <item> analyze


enchant help

  • enchant <object> analyze - analyze the enchantments on an item
  • enchant <object> artifice - try to raise the level of an item
  • enchant <object> legendary - try to bind and personalize an item
  • enchant <weapon> speed - try to enchant a weapon for speed
  • enchant <weapon> accuracy - try to enchant a weapon for accuracy
  • enchant <weapon> customize - try to change a weapon's dieroll
  • enchant <armor> reinforce - try to reinforce and strengthen armor
  • enchant <object> alignment - try to bind alignment to an item
  • enchant <object> camouflage - try to add natural camouflage to an item
  • enchant <object> runes - try to enchant an item with druid runewords
  • enchant <object> uncurse - try to break a curse on an item
  • enchant <object> lighteater <soulstone> - try to drain light from a glowing item
  • enchant <object> silence <soulstone> - try to silence a humming item
  • enchant <object> disenchant <soulstone> - remove an effect from a magical item


enchant helm ana

You don't know how to enchant weapons for attack speed.
You don't know how to enchant weapons for attack accuracy.
A hardened leather helmet may have bound alignment:  anti_evil  anti_good  good  evil
A hardened leather helmet's alignment binding will cost 1572 gold coins.
You don't know how to camouflage items.
You don't know how to enchant items with rune magic.
You don't know the ritual to remove light-based enchantments from items.
You don't know the ritual to silence items.
You don't know the ritual to remove individual enchantments from items.
It might be possible to artificer enchant a hardened leather helmet, at a cost of 7860 gold coins.
It might be possible to legendary enchant a hardened leather helmet, at a cost of 7860 gold coins.

weapon speed accuracy

bind alignment



customize weapon



artificer and legendary enchants

These enchants are all about raising the composite potential of an object, by adding levels, binding and class flags, note they do not change any of the item's other stats and further enchants, carves and reforges will be necessary to realize the new increased composite. The artificer enchant will raise the level if the object by one while the legendary enchant will add character binding and a class flag for each class that is maxed. These are extremely powerful enchants and as such come at a premium, even a low level object may cost several thousand of gold, while mid-level objects may cost tens of thousands, and high level items may cost hundreds of thousand of gold. It is not unusual to see enchants costing 600k or more at the higher level end. In addition to the gold cost each enchant costs one practice. Vitals will be deducted for each attempt at approx 200 movement and mana, with legendary also using 200 hp. these are taken regardless as to whether the enchant succeeds or not, however the practice and gold cost will only be deducted on successful completion of the enchant.


The following example demonstrates how the artificer and legendary enchants work by taking a low level newbie helmet and adding two additional levels, character binding and class flags.

Item: 'greenish leather hardened helmet' 
Weight: 2  Size: 2'0"  Level: 12 (very common)
Type: ARMOR   Composition: LEATHER/HIDE   Defense: 6 ac-apply
Object is: 
Wear locations are: HEAD 
Estimated cost: 1191  
Item has other effects:
Affects:  CON by 1
Affects:  PARRY by 1
  • First analyze the helmet to find out how much each enchant will cost by typing enchant helm ana alternatively

to check the cost of a single enchant type enchant helm artificer without the force flag. Note artificer and legendary enchants cost the same amount of gold.

A hardened leather helmet will cost 7519 gold coins and a practice to enchant.
To actually perform the enchant, add '-force' to the end of this command.
  • Having established the cost it is now time to perform the actual enchant by typing enchant helm artificer -f
You start enchanting a hardened leather helmet...
You spend 7519 gold coins worth of supplies.
You pour your heart and mind into perfecting a hardened leather helmet!
  • The helmet has now been raised to level 13 everything else about it will remain the same.
Item: 'greenish leather hardened helmet' 
Weight: 2  Size: 2'0"  Level: 13 (very common)
  • repeating enchant helm artificer -f will add additional levels. To bind the helm and add class flags. I can do this by typing enchant helm leg -f (note the cost is higher now that I have added extra levels)
You begin to perform the legendary ritual, but make a mistake and have to stop.
You start enchanting a hardened leather helmet...
You spend 8575 gold coins worth of supplies.
A hardened leather helmet is now bound permanently to you!
You perform the legendary ritual correctly and bind a portion of your soul to a hardened leather helmet!
  • The item is now bound to me and since I am level 37 mage, thief, warrior and cleric these flags will be added to the item.
Item: 'greenish leather hardened helmet' 
Weight: 2  Size: 2'0"  Level: 14 (very common)
Type: ARMOR   Composition: LEATHER/HIDE   Defense: 6 ac-apply
Wear locations are: HEAD 
Estimated cost: 1398  
Item has other effects:
Affects:  CON by 1
Affects:  PARRY by 1
This item is bound to you.
Compared to your current equipment:
  • Note nothing else about the item has changed so if I wish to improve